Following the Footsteps of Anna Akhmatova

Song of the final meeting - Anna AkhmatovaAnna Akhmatova is a Russian famous poet who has successfully published many poems that has served as a source of inspiration to so many people around the world including el deseo. Anna Akhmatova is the pen name of Anna Andreyna Gorenlo, she made Anna Akhmatova her pen name because her father Andrey Antocinich a naval engineer did not want his respectable name to be seen in any of her poem verses as there was never a poet in the family. Her mother’s name was Inna Erazmovna who was from the Russian noble family. Ann Akhatove was named after her maternal grand-mother Anna Yegonka the descendant of Genghtiz Khan in the 18th century and so, she adopted her distinctly Tata surname Akhmatova.

She started writing poems at the age of 11, though it was published first in her late teens; she got inspiration from various poets like Nikolay Nekrasov, Glean vaccine, Alexanda Pushkin who was her model in many ways, Evginy Baratynsay and the symbolist. She got married to Nikolay Gumiliev – a young poet who she met on a Christmas Eve in 1903, she said he had loved her for 3 years and had also encouraged her to write. They got married in Kiev in April 1910 – though she was not sure if she loved him but she felt it was fate. None of her relatives attended the wedding.

The poem “Song of the final meeting” by Anna Akhmatova reflects the end of a romantic relationship which will evoke a sense of betrayal in the reader and poet feeling misled as narrated by the female party involved. It makes use of colourful imagery and various appropriate metaphor to convey it words. Sense of helplessness and confusion was portrayed in the first stanza as the poet exchanged the right hand glove for the left hand and suddenly getting herself. The second stanza shows the inevitable negative change in the relationship as she uses autumn to explain and also in the final stanza is shown the illustration of a room which was illuminated only by the yellow flame of the candle light. We will understand that that though the yellow flame gives light to the room, it also weighs the candle itself down and as time goes on, the candle will be exhausted and the flame will die out. And this is to give insight to the poet’s relationship and its inevitable end.

The poet was inspired by the drastic negative change in her current relationship – leading to the “death” or “end” of the romantic relationship between the lovers as explained in the second stanza by the use of autumn symbolically. The poet also uses the contrast of colour yellow (“the yellow candle flam”) in so many ways to express the feeling experienced in the poem.

Like any other inspirational designer, Last meeting has been greatly inspire by this wonderful work of literature by Anna Akhmatova. The design and creation of “Last meeting” silk scarves is inspired by Anna Akhmatova principle of clarity, simplicity and discipline as a writing form. Last meeting depicts the great emotion of the lady as shown in the design of the scarf with the yellow colour, the hand that wears the glove and the candle illustrations. Anna Akhmatova lyrics comes in consonance with the creation and design of the silk scarves as they reflect the way we actually think (the design of the scarves allows for self-expression). With the solitary figure representing the lady in the poem and the hands offering presents that may not be accessible by the figure. It likens the images with the emotion and simple everyday objects, she charges with psychological association which also inspires the design of Last meeting silk scarves. Like Akhmatova, last meeting desires to convey a world of meaning through this silk scarves design.